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Conference on "Postsocialist currency law. Processes of convergence and differentiation in Central and Eastern Europe" at UZ

Postsocialist foreign exchange law. Convergence and differentiation processes in Central and Eastern Europe - this was the theme of a two-day scientific conference held on October 27 and 28, organized by the Department of Administrative and Financial Law at the Institute of Legal Sciences at the University of Zielona Góra.

The conference was opened by Dr. hab. Andrzej Gorgol, Prof. UZ, head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Law at the Institute of Legal Sciences at the University of Zielona Góra. On behalf of the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra, the attendees, students, and guests were welcomed by Dr. hab. Eng. Marcin Mrugalski, Prof. UZ, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation.

During the conference, interesting presentations were given by distinguished speakers from Poland and foreign countries:

Session I - Foreign exchange law as a branch of financial law

  • JUDr., Ph.D., MBA Dana Šramková, Faculty of Law, Masaryk University - Foreign exchange law system in the Czech Republic
  • Dr. hab. Ewa Kowalewska- University of Szczecin - Foreign exchange control - do we need a new model of its functioning?
  • Dr. hab. Andrzej Gorgol, Prof. UZ - Extraordinary foreign exchange restrictions as an anti-crisis instrument
  • Dr. hab. Mariola Lemonnier, University of Łódź - Local currencies in France as an expression of the process of monetary differentiation

Session II - Legal and foreign exchange implications in public law

  • Dr. hab. Anna Ostrowska, Prof. AŁ, Dr. hab., Dr. hab. Ewa Pierzchała, Prof. UO - Use of foreign currencies in selected areas of activity of Polish local government units
  • Dr. Ewaryst Kowalczyk, University of Zielona Góra - Issues of remunerating the contractor of a public procurement in foreign currencies
  • Dr. Andrzej Tatara, University of Zielona Góra - Subjective scope of liability for foreign exchange offenses in the light of regulations of the fiscal penal code
  • Mgr. Adam Wróbel, University of Opole - Foreign exchange conditions for functioning of companies with foreign capital in Poland

Session III - Legal and foreign exchange implications in private and fiscal criminal law

  • Prof. Dr. hab. Jacek Mazurkiewicz, University of Zielona Góra - Foreign exchange law as a casu ad casum in the strip of political decisions (which does not always mean respect for the protection of the interests of citizens and non-citizens)
  • Dr. Magdalena Wasylkowska-Michór, University of Zielona Góra - Principle of currency in civil law
  • Dr. Wiktor Trybka, University of Zielona Góra - Application of the effective currency clause in economic agreements
  • Dr. Andrzej Michór, University of Opole - Public law regulation of the trade in foreign currency and investment gold
  • Dr. Jarosław Olesiak University of Łódź, Dr. Łukasz Pajor University of Łódź - Digitization of money and foreign exchange law
  • Dr. Mariusz Charkiewicz, Academy of Applied Sciences in Elbląg - Can a foreign exchange offense be committed unintentionally?

The conference was supported by the University of Zielona Góra, the City of Zielona Góra, the Marshal's Office of Lubuskie Voivodeship, and the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Zielona Góra.

Photographs: K. Adamczewski

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