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Open Day with the National Academic Exchange Agency at UZ

On Thursday, December 14th, an Open Day was held at the Rectorate of the University of Zielona Góra with the National Academic Exchange Agency (NAWA).

NAWA is an institution working towards the internationalization of Polish science by supporting and stimulating international research cooperation and academic exchange. The agency aims to strengthen scientific excellence, internationalize Polish universities and research institutions, as well as promote Poland - its language and culture - in order to build the country's image as offering interesting educational and research opportunities. These goals are achieved through a wide range of programs offered by the Agency. Employees and students of the University of Zielona Góra had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with this offer.

As explained by Marta Chrostowska-Walenta from the Office of Communication and Promotion of the National Academic Exchange Agency - NAWA: - NAWA visits universities that invite us to their NAWA Day to introduce our program offer, but also to show the benefits of internationalization, cooperation with foreign partners, and academic exchange - these are our main goals. As rightly pointed out by the director of NAWA, Dr. Kostecki: - "Universities can manage without NAWA, but NAWA cannot exist without universities." Therefore, universities, including the University of Zielona Góra, are important partners in our work and activities. And he adds: - Since its establishment in 2017, NAWA has been working towards internationalizing Polish science, presenting Poland's offerings worldwide, and together with universities and scientists, we are promoters of Polish science and its values. We encourage Polish scientists, students, and doctoral students to engage in international exchange, to establish cooperation, but we also invite scientists and students from abroad to study in Poland. We want to show that Poland is an attractive place for studying. Our diplomas are recognized in many countries, and this is achieved in part thanks to cooperation with Polish universities - summed up M. Chrostowska - Walenta.

The rector of the University of Zielona Góra, Prof. Wojciech Strzyżewski, was very pleased with this meeting: - The meeting is intended for all universities in the region and surrounding areas. The issue of international cooperation is multifaceted. Firstly, the internationalization of education - we want to have offerings ready for students who would like to come to the University of Zielona Góra. What we particularly care about is that our scientists and students travel to learn about other centers. I would like them to gain experience in how education is conducted at other universities and, above all, to gain language skills and experiences that will pay off in the future. Certainly, internships or studying abroad will be an attractive point for a future employer. When it comes to scientists, it is difficult to imagine a modern scientist operating in isolation from an international environment - added Prof. Strzyżewski.

The program of the meeting included, among others, the promotion of Polish higher education abroad, programs aimed at academic staff and students, meetings with NAWA program scholarship holders, and programs supporting the internationalization process of Polish universities and research units, as well as the offer of Programs for the Polish Language.

More information about programs, cooperation, and international exchange can be found on the website: nawa.gov.pl.

Photographs: K. Adamczewski

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Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Program Viewer Education Development 2014-2020 "Modern teaching and practical cooperation with entrepreneurs - development program of the University of Zielona Góra" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18