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Spring meeting of Cooperation of Universities in Central and East Europe coordinators at UZ

17.05.2024 Employees Partners

The two-day - already traditional - spring meeting of CUCEE (Cooperation of Universities in Central and East Europe – CUCEE) network coordinators is currently taking place at the University of Zielona Góra. The network currently consists of 7 universities linked by partnership agreements: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, University of Zielona Góra, Tallinn University of Technology, Lviv Polytechnic, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Silesian University of Technology, and Belarusian State Technological University.

CUCEE coordinators, who came to Zielona Góra from Vilnius, Lviv, Gliwice, and Giessen, met with the rector of UZ, Prof. Wojciech Strzyżewski, and the vice-rector for science and international cooperation, Prof. Justyna Patalas-Maliszewska yesterday.

The meeting program includes certain regular points, such as summarizing the previous period of cooperation and discussing long-standing forms of cooperation in terms of student exchanges, academic staff exchanges, joint research, and the organization and development of the Integrated Foreign Studies project in the years 2024-2026. But there will also be new topics.

We want to initiate cooperation involving student visits to partner universities for shorter stays. It is becoming increasingly difficult for us to find candidates for semester-long exchanges as part of integrated studies. We see this trend at all network universities. One form of implementing such short-term exchanges is the Erasmus+ "Blended Intensive Programme" (BIP). These are - generally speaking - short intensive programs focusing on selected areas of knowledge, using innovative teaching methods. Additionally, we will discuss intensifying cooperation in joint research and teaching projects. For example, the university, together with four partners from the CUCEE network, submitted a project proposal in February under the Erasmus+ program "Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education." We are awaiting the results of the competition," said CUCEE coordinator at the University of Zielona Góra, Prof. Ryszard Rybski.

The followinmembers attended the CUCEE meeting in Zielona Góra:

Prof. Rafael Greszczynski from Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences,

Prof. Mariusz Stępień from Silesian University of Technology,

Prof. Šarūnas Paulikas from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,

Prof. Raimondas Pomarnacki from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,

Prof. Ihor Shur from Lviv Polytechnic National University,

Dr. Lidia Kasha from Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Remote participation in the meeting is being taken by CUCEE coordinator from Tallinn, Prof. Anton Rassölkin.

Photographs: K. Admaczewski

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