Szukaj pracownika/jednostki


XXXVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja CICA „Konflikt i agresja”


16.06.2014 r.

Konflikt i agresja.jpg


23 czerwca 2014 r. (poniedziałek) o godz. 10.00 w Sali Konferencyjnej Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej przy al. Wojska Polskiego 71 zostanie otwarta XXXVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja CICA Konflikt i agresja.

Organizatorami tego wydarzenia są Uniwersytet Zielonogórski i Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy. Przewodniczącą komitetu organizacyjnego jest dr Marzanna Farnicka z Pracowni Psychologii Wydziału Pedagogiki, Socjologii i Nauk o Zdrowiu UZ. W konferencji weźmie udział prof. J. Martin Ramírez - przewodniczący CICA, jeden z najbardziej uznanych w świecie autorytetów zajmujących się problemem agresji i konfliktu.


CICA jest Międzynarodową organizacją, która powstała 37 lat temu w Hiszpanii jako Coloqiuos Internationales sobre Cerbero y Agresion. Celem tej organizacji było i jest wspomaganie rozwiązywania problemów związanych z agresją i konfliktami społecznymi.

Pragnąc stworzyć jak najszerszą płaszczyznę wymiany myśli, informacji i doniesień badawczych, akcentując społeczne i rozwojowe uwarunkowania konfliktu i agresji, proponujemy dyskusję na temat przemocy, terroryzmu, pokoju, konfliktu z punktu widzenia różnych dziedzin.

Podczas konferencji przewidziano zróżnicowane formy wystąpień: wykłady plenarne prowadzone przez zaproszonych gości oraz sympozja tematyczne, sesje plakatowe i warsztaty zgłoszone przez uczestników konferencji.

Wszystkie informacje dotyczące Konferencji znajdują się na stronie::


Program konferencji:


Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

17:00 Chamber Concert

In program: Fr. Chopin, H. Wieniawski, K. Szymanowski, C. Debussy, E. Elgar, E.

Poldini, played by: Natalia Tomczuk – piano, Paulina Tomczuk – violin.

18:30 Welcome dinner and social meeting in Downtown

Palm Hause, Wrocławska Street 12 A


Monday, June 23rd, 2014

Library Hall of Zielona Góra University (al. Wojska Polskiego 69)


9:00 - 10:00


Registration of the participants



Marzanna Farnicka & Hanna Liberska - Co-Chair of Organizing Committee

Tadeusz Kuczyński - Rector of University of Zielona Góra

Janusz Ostoja-Zagórski - Rector of Kazimierz Wielki University

Adam Frączek - Honorary Chair of XXXVII CICA

J. Martin Ramírez - Chair of CICA

Camilla Pagani - Chair of CICA Scientific Committee


10:30 - 11:30 Keynote Address:

Chair: J. Martin Ramírez

Speaker: Adam Frączek

Former President of ISRA

The Nature and the Measure of the Personal Readiness for Interpersonal Aggression


11:00-11:30 Official Group Picture

Coffee break


11:30 - 13:30 SESSION I

Determinants of aggression in childhood and adolescence

Chair: Hanna Liberska (Poland)



Iwona Grzegorzewska, Lidia Cierpiałkowska (Poland) - Social support and externalizing symptoms in children from alcoholics’ families

Marzanna Farnicka, Iwona Grzegorzewska (Poland) - The role of resiliency in determining the tendency to aggressiveness and acting as a victim or aggressor during different periods of adolescence

Monika Dominiak-Kochanek (Poland), Karolina Konopka (Poland), Adam Frączek (Poland), Mary Bower-Russa (USA) - Sensitivity to Frustrations and Provocations as a Mediator of the Relation between Harsh Discipline and Readiness for Aggression in Poland and theUSA

Elżbieta Turska (Poland) - Family perturbations as a risk factor for mood disorders in adolescent

Alicja Szmaus – Jackowska (Poland) - Satisfaction with life, social skills, physical activity and level of aggression of young people

Natalia Mataczyńska, Malwina Tudorowska (Poland) - Selected risk behaviors and religious coping with stress in adolescents


13:30 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 – 16:30



Socio-cultural contexts of aggression

Chair: Mariola Bidzan (Poland)


Mariola Bidzan, Małgorzata Lipowska (Poland) - Aggressive behaviours from a cross-cultural perspective

Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Maria Kaźmierczak, Magdalena Błażek (Poland) - Attitudes towards violence in the context of functioning in relations and creating life plans

Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Marek Hojczyk, Małgorzata Piechowicz, Hanna Brycz, Mariola Bidzan (Poland) - Cross-generation transmission of aggression patterns in women – victims of domestic abuse, maternal attachment pattern and level of empathy



Prison's system problems and the prevention of social exclusion

Chair: Tina Lindhard (USA / SouthAfrica), Marzanna Farnicka (Poland)


Lidia Wawryk (Poland) - Eliminating aggressive behaviour: directions for preventive treatments at school

Marzanna Farnicka (Poland), Hanna Liberska (Poland), Vera Kosikova (Czech Republik), Dariusz Freundenreich (Poland) - A new tool to prevent social exclusion: QSL

Barbara Toroń, Kamila Olga Stępień (Poland) - Criminal lifestyle and aggressive behavior. A case study

Marta Rutkowska (Poland), Adam Frączek (Poland), Martin J. Ramirez (Spain / USA) - Sociodemographic and Socialization Risk Factors for Readiness of Interpersonal Aggression among Young Adults (Polish – Spanish Comparative Study)

Oliver Evers (Germany), Bettina Kohnert (Germany), J. Martin Ramirez (Spain / USA), Herbert Scheithauer (Germany) - Structural equivalence of the Questionnaire on Moral Attitudes toward Aggression (CAMA) in different German age groups

Aleksandra Tłuściak Deliowska (Poland) - The Role of Bystanders in Bullying Situations among Middle-School Students

Agnieszka Mackiewicz (Poland) - Suicides in prison

Konopka Martyna (Poland) - The prison subculture

Monika Kaczmarczyk (Poland) - Rehabilitation or aggression against prisoners. The perception of society


15:30 – 15:45



15:45 - 17:30


Aggression as a challenge for researchers

Chair: Hanna Liberska (Poland)


Mariola Bidzan (Poland)

Lidia Cierpiałkowska (Poland)

Marzanna Farnicka (Poland)

Adam Frączek (Poland)

Zbigniew Izdebski (Poland)

Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska (Poland)


17:30 - 18:00


Social meeting: visit to the library

18:00 Social program - Evening with Food and MUSIC (Grunberger and Rom's Family)


Tuesday, June 24th, 2014



Chair: Art Kendall (USA)

Speaker:Alice LoCicero (USA)

First President of STR

Recruitment of Young People for Engagement in Violence:

Approaches to a Global Problem




Coffee break


Chair: Marzanna Farnicka (Poland),

Camilla Pagani (Italy)


Klaudia Boniecka, Hanna Liberska, Tumendemberel Purev (Mongolia) - Experience of being a victim and an aggressor in modern society

Dagmara Maria Boruc (Poland) - The relationship between Emotional Intelligence of Polish male-prisoners and individuals who were not punished

Oliver Evers, Daniela Doege, Manfred Cierpka (Germany) - Domestic violence in a targeted, home-based prevention program: Experiences from 7 years of “Keiner fällt durchs Netz” (“Nobody slips through the net”)

Karolina Głogowska, Kinga Mickiewicz (Poland) - Aggression and attachment of children growing up in biological and foster families

Paulina Gołaska (Poland) - Parental Reflective Functioning as a protective factor against violent behaviors of children and adolescents

Jerzy Herberger, Ernest Magda (Poland) - Prison staff aggression and its determinants

Laurencja Kurkowska (Poland) - Influence of mass media in rasing crime rate

Agata Kozłowska (Poland) - Aggression and coping with stress. Which aspects of aggression appear to be due to coping with stress?

Hanna Liberska, Klaudia Boniecka (Poland) - Taking the role of aggressor and victim by youth in high school

Agnieszka Woźniewicz, Karolina Głogowska (Poland) - Perceived Parental Acceptance/Rejection and Aggressive Behavior Revealed in Preadolescence

Agnieszka Woźniewicz, Agnieszka Kruczek (Poland) - Loss of emotional resources and general hostility and its dimensions in a group of juvenile girls

Katarzyna Żyta (Poland) - Violence against older people


11:30 - 13:00 SESSION IV


Terrorism as a threat in contemporary world

Chair: Alice LoCicero (USA)


Paul Salvin (India) - Emerging Non-Traditional Security Challenges to EU with special focus on Terrorism

Ayub Sajid, Muhammad Amin ud Din (Pakistan) - Study on the situation of peace and conflict in the district of Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab, Pakistan

Julián Andrés Escobar-Solano (Colombia) - Terrorism, Alternative Justice and globalization in Colombia: a postconflict Approach

Mateusz Trawiński (Poland) - Terrorism as a Global Threat. Wikileaks Perspective

Alice LoCicero (USA) - Why Good Kids Become Terrorists: The Accused Boston Marathon Bombers and Others

Humberto Librado Castillo (Colombia) - Methodological Approaches on the works about Conflict in Colombia (2008-2013)


13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 15:30



Aggression in interpersonal relationships

Chair: Camilla Pagani (Italy)


Paulina Tomaszewska (Poland), Barbara Krahe (Germany), Zbigniew Izdebski (Poland) - Youth Sexual Aggression Prevalence and Risk Factors. Longitudinal Evidence from Poland

Barbara Krahé, Anja Berger (Germany) - Prevalence and Correlates of Youth Sexual Aggression and Victimization in 10 European
Countries: A Multilevel Analysis

Richard Howes (Canada) - Identifying High-Risk Sex Offenders through
Phallometric Assessment

Ewelina Kamasz (Poland) - Understanding labeling effects in the area of
personal identity and aggression

Alicja Malina, Dorota Suwalska - Barancewicz - Attachment, aggressive behavior and satisfaction with selected developmental tasks in young adults’ relationships



Determinants of aggression in different enviroments

Chair: Beata Pastwa Wojciechowska (Poland)


Bassam Aouli (Syria / Poland) - The risk of cyberbuylling among the Polish youth


Katarzyna Walęcka – Matyja,Karolina Walczak (Poland) - Family environmentand thesusceptibility of individuals to experience harassment in the workplace


Simona Musilova (Czech Republik, Poland), Janusz Trempała (Poland) - Typical high school situations in which students show an aggressive behavior: Czech and Polish samples comparison

Beata Mańkowska (Poland) - Aggression and conflict behavior among social workers as a result of professional burnout

Andrzej Piotrowski, Beata Pastwa- Wojciechowska (Poland) - Personality correlates of anger management in the case of functionaries of the Prison Service

Mariya A. Abramova, Valery Krasheninnikov (Russia) - Conflicts in the evaluation of the efficiency of institutions of higher professional education in Russia

15:30 - 15:45

Coffee break

4:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Violence in Prisons – legal or illegal? *Movie

Chair: Barbara Toroń (Poland)


Ewelina Adamska,The Director of the Prison for woman with children in Krzywaniec,

Łukasz Wojtasik, The District Attorney in Zielona Gora,

Dominika Najdowska, The Penitentiary Manager of the Investigators Custody in Zielona Góra

Kamila Olga Stępień, Criminal Psychologist from the Prison in Gdańsk, Initiatior of art events in prisons,

Małgorzata Barska,The Press Officer of Police Station in Zielona Góra,

Anita Kucharska-Dziedzic, The Director of Lubusz Association for Women,

Stanisława Grabowska, The Crisis Intervention Center, The Child Protection Committee.

Wednesday, June 25th, 2014



Responsibility, human rights and peace

Chair: Arthur Kendall (USA)


Arthur Kendall (USA) - Scientific Responsibility and Human Rights

Mateusz Piątkowski (Poland) - The Beginning of the Armed Conflict in the Scope of the International Humanitarian Law – WWII Study

Lucyna Bakiera (Poland) - Aversive parenting – an attempt of conceptualization


Coffee break



Peace, Violence and Complexity

Chair: Camila Pagani (Italy)

Camilla Pagani (Italy)

Violence and Complexity

Tina Lindhard (USA / South Africa)
- Anger, bodily sensations and inner experiencing: the importance of consciousness, awareness and feeling



Hanna Liberska - Co-Chair of Organizing Committee

Camilla Pagani - Chair of Scientific Committee

J. Martin Ramírez - Chair of CICA

Marzanna Farnicka - Co-Chair of Organizing Committee

13:15 - 14:00 Lunch

Logo programu Widza Edukacja Rozwój Biało-czerwona flaga i napis Rzeczpospolita Polska Logo Euopejskiego Funduszu Społecznego
Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18

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