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Public transport

How to get to Zielona Góra from other cities of Poland?

Zielona Góra is well-connected with other regions of Poland, thanks to which you can easily get here. You can go:

  • by train – a destined station is “Zielona Góra Główna” (Main Zielona Góra), from which there are as few as a couple of steps to the city centre,
  • by car – the following routes lead to Zielona Góra: S3 (an expressway), A2 (a motorway), A4 (a motorway),
  • by plane – choosing this option, you will land in the Zielona Góra-Babimost Airport (located circa 35 km from Zielona Góra itself); from the airport you can go to Zielona Góra by bus, train or taxi,
  • by bus – you can reach our city also due to international means of transport, such as FlixBus and Eurolines, as well as regional means of transport, i.e. PKS and DA-MI.

The nearest airports:

Click and open a map.

The University of Zielona Góra consists of 2 campuses and a few individual buildings located in different parts of the city. In order to move between them smoothly and quickly, you can use the following solutions of the municipal public transport:

autobusy_mzk.jpgElectric buses

In the modern bus interchange station situated next to the train station, you can almost directly transfer from a train into a yellow-white-and-green bus. You can catch here each bus line. What is interesting, as many as 80% of Zielona Góra’s buses are electric! Thanks to the city public transport, you can freely move across the whole city. On the basis of a Polish student ID card (which foreign students will receive after their arrival), you can go for free by a city public bus (up to 26 years of age). However, if you do not have the student ID, you have to buy a ticket at a bus stop or inside a bus (a basic full-price ticket costs 3 zł and is valid for one hour). The timetable and other useful information are available at: www.mzk.zgora.pl. You can also easily find a bus connection via the following app: jakdojade.pl.

Photograph: M. Adamczewski

Zielona Góra City Bikeimg_1056-2.jpg

From March to November 350 city bikes, including cargo bicycles and tandems, are available for your use. The hire of a bike is easy: you can do this directly at one of the stations located across Zielona Góra (also at the university’s campuses) or via an application operated by Android or iOS. First 20 minutes of riding are free! For further information, visit www.zielonogorskirowermiejski.pl.

Electric scooters

You can hire them by means of an application. The initial payment during registration totals 25 zł. The starting payment amounts to 2 zł. Then you will pay 0.50 zł for each minute of a ride or a stop. In contrast to the city bikes, there are no scooter stations. Scooters can be left in any place within the designated area.

Photograph: J. Czarnecka    

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Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Program Viewer Education Development 2014-2020 "Modern teaching and practical cooperation with entrepreneurs - development program of the University of Zielona Góra" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18