Logo University of Zielona Góra


1_miejsce_dla_zg.png1st place in the category: the city of the highest resident life satisfaction level
What was taken into account? Practical solutions implemented in cities, places for relaxation and recreation, proximity of nature, a wide choice of cultural attractions, access to entertainment and education, as well as the quality of public transport.
2nd place in the category: the best city for students in terms of the cost of living
2nd place in the category: the best prices of accommodation in dormitories

3rd place in the category: the best prices of renting a room or a two-room flat

3rd place in the category: a good borough to live in

Ranking (2023): "Szczęśliwy dom. Badanie dobrostanu mieszkańców Polski 2023" (Happy Home. Research on Poland's residents' well-being 2023) | Otodom
Ranking (2020): "Najlepsze miasta do studiowania" (the Best Cities to Study in) | ikalkulator.pl
Ranking (2023): "Gmina Dobra do Życia" (Good Borough to Live in) | Serwis Samorządowy PAP

Logo of the European Funds - Knowledge Education Development Flag of the Republic of Poland Logo of the European Union - European Social Fund
Project co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund, Operational Program Viewer Education Development 2014-2020 "Modern teaching and practical cooperation with entrepreneurs - development program of the University of Zielona Góra" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18